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Some Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety affects sufferers in different ways, and these are the eleven most common physical symptoms.

Do you recognise any of them?

  1. Stomach Discomfort Anxiety often leads to feelings of stomach churning, and sensations of nausea or digestive trouble.
  2. Aches and Pains: People experiencing anxiety may suffer from headaches, backaches, or other bodily aches and pains.
  3. Breathing Changes: Rapid breathing or shortness of breath often occurs because of heightened anxiety.
  4. Heart-Related Symptoms: Anxiety may cause a fast, thumping, or irregular heartbeat.
  5. Sweating and Hot Flushes: Common physical changes include increased sweating or sudden hot flushes.
  6. Sleep Problems: Waking up frequently during the night and even insomnia can be linked to anxiety.
  7. Fatigue and Weakness: Feeling drained or lacking energy is another sign.
  8. Involuntary Movements: Trembling or shaking might occur due to anxiety.
  9. Increased Need for the Toilet: Anxiety can affect your bladder causing more frequent or less frequent trips to the bathroom.
  10. Teeth Grinding: Some sufferers grind their teeth, especially during the night.
  11. Panic Attacks: Intense anxiety can lead to panic attacks, with severe physical and emotional symptoms.

Remember that anxiety affects everyone differently, so make a list of your physical symptoms and check with your medical doctor first.

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